Felipe has updated his blog. He is peaking about Fragile Equality :
"During the past few months, I didn't stopped a second! I wanted to follow the Almah's recordings a maximum, the first note to the last, with my partner and friend Edu Falaschi. And today - in fact already past few days - I can look back and see that all this work is rewarded, because Fragile Equality has even exceeded our own expectations!
Since the composition, arrangement, tones, performance, mixing, everything has been done with total dedication. I 'm very pleased to have worked with people like Eduardo, Barbosa, Paulo Moreira, who are all talented and make an unmatchable team. Without doubt our union has been the main component to get this harmony, each of us giving the best. There are 5 guys who literally gave their blood for Almah, and it's clear that this is something I have always thought: the CD is the portrait of the artist, he lives this time. That's what I feel when I listen Fragile Equality. "
(...) People who have already heard the songs are really very happy and surprised, and I can only hope that this will be the reaction of the majority, because this album comes from the heart at 100% ".
Felipe speaks also about the new single which will be launched next Wednesday (27), "You'll Understand" and the creation of AlmahChannel.
For more news : Felipe Andreoli Official Blog
And here the second video posted on AlmahChannel : this video shows the recording of the Paulo Schroeber's guitars on Fragile Equality
For more news AlmahChannel