Monday, January 19, 2009

Marcelo Barbosa : About the new Almah's clip

Here some words of Marcelo Barbosa about the release of the first Almah's clip "Beyond Tomorrow" :

"I feel very happy to have this clip produced here in Brasília, in my native city. The choice of a place couldn’t be better and due to Rodrigo’s production, now we can enjoy the work of the best quality, which is our basic principle for any work we develop. I believe that launching of a video clip is a great step forward and a real milestone in any artist’s career, especially if it is a matter of such kind of media, which links the band’s sound and image together. A lot of things have been changed during the pre-production due to some natural reasons or even due to changing the opinion of the band members regarding which song to publish as a video. But happily, as usual, everything works as it was expected and our clip is here in order to help us to promote our music to the whole world".

This message was published on Marcelo Barbosa Official English Blog (in English and Portuguese)