Edu Falaschi presents the English version of his official homepage http://www.edufalaschi.com...br/.
Check the link on the front page of http://www.edufalaschi.com...br/ or follow directly http://www.edufalaschi.com...br/eng/ to get to actual news, biography, interviews database, photo stream, links, tour dates, curiosities – all the most important details of the background and the present career of Angra and Almah singer, composer, producer and arranger Edu Falaschi in English.
You can share the news, live dates and articles from http://www.edufalaschi.com...br/eng/ through your Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and other services.
Also are available:
- Facebook profile 2 (opened)
- Facebook profile 1 (full)
Besides the Portuguese and English versions of the official site you can find the links to the official sources of Edu in French, Japanese and Russian on the front page of http://www.edufalaschi.com...br/.
For more news : Edu Falaschi Official website /Official Myspace