Monday, March 28, 2011

Edu Falaschi / Felipe Andreoli : elected best of Brazil by the readers of Roadie Crew Magazine

From MS Metal Press and Almah Official Website :

Edu Falaschi and Felipe Andreoli are the best vocalist and the best bassist in 2010, respectively - this is the opinion of the readers of one of the most important rock&metal media in the native country of the musicians, Roadie Crew. The result of the voting is revealed in March issue of the magazine and it marks the absolute succes of the musicians in 2010: besides the Best National Singer and Best National Bassist awards, the latest CD with Edu and Felipe, “Aqua” recorded with another band, Angra is recognized as the best national album of the year, and Angra - as the best national band-2010 in Brazil.

The last year became very important for the career of the both musicians. Besides of the total success with Angra, Edu and Felipe took part in various projects, making guest appearances and workshops, both produced CDs of Brazilian bands and, of course, concluded Fragile Equality tour with Almah.

As previously reported, Almah is back on track with the plans to release a new album before the end of this year and at the moment, Edu Falaschi and Felipe Andreoli together with their bandmates are preparing to enter the studio in May to start the recording of the long-awaited follow-up to Fragile Equality.

for more news : MS Metal Press / Almah Official Website